Since 1984, Opher has helped literally thousands of clients develop powerful multi-disciplinary talents, while debunking the popularly-held notion that talent is innate.
Originally a jazz musician and teacher, Opher founded the jazz department of Thelma Yellin High School of the Fine Arts in Israel, where he developed his RTC (Real Time Composition) model for creative excellence. During those years he raised an impressive number of world-class professional musicians.
Opher has also taught alongside pioneer of competitive intelligence theory and founder of the Academy of Competitive Intelligence, Professor Ben Gilad, in FULD, Boston.
In the following years, he perfected dozens of unique processes for developing the talent and potential lying dormant within both individuals and groups. Opher’s latest methodology, “Swing Management,” has enabled companies and leading CEOs to shift from startup thinking to corporate-level management and vice versa, using original and sophisticated models implemented by Opher in the business world.
Swing Management uniquely enables precise analysis and re-engineering of the management strategies of individual organizations, divisions, or teams, while allowing for the selection of the most effective and appropriate method of implementation.
By using three main models – Talent Development, Management Strategies, and Personal Business Relationships, the system enhances the managerial ability of individuals and organizations, thereby improving effectiveness both on an individual level and as part of a broader managerial structure. Opher's systems have facilitated every process from start-ups to mergers and acquisitions.
Most recently, Opher is launching his latest innovation, The Talent Academy, a worldwide off- and on-line enterprise, based on his Multi-Talent Disciplinary Model.
Opher declares: "This is an era of entrepreneurs. I see the sheer number of start-ups opening around the world, the small businesses swallowed day in and day out by the large companies, which purchase them for millions of dollars. This is definitely the flourishing time of small and mid-sized businesses, of entrepreneurs and independent thinkers".
Some past clients include:
Orange (communication), Pelephone (communication), Eurocom-Nokia, Cellcom (communication), HP, Gilon (BI), Matrix, Quintyles, Microsoft, Comverse, Amdocs, Good People, Astra Zeneca, NDS, Reckit Benkizer, Tnuva, Strauss Group, Intel, Motorola, Orek, Teva, Dan Hotels, Magic, BBDO EU, Bank Mizrachi, Bank Hapoalim, restaurant chains, Supermarket chains and numerous of tech startups