Gabriele Seewald & Ocean Liu (REJUVENATE & ADENOVO)

Jun 13, 2015, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)


創業酒吧 / Venture Lab, 羅斯福路三段269巷58號 / No.58, Ln. 269, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City, 台北市, 10603

As a founder of REJUVENATE Gabriele has a vision that Taiwanese society will benefit a lot from education, experience and practice on how to re-energize our bodies, keep mental freedom and rejuvenate our organization. Ocean Liu is the founder of Adenovo Tech. By integrating software, hardware, cloud computing and big data analysis, Adenovo provides intelligent automotive solutions.

In-person event

About this event

Gabriele Seewald was born in Austria, where she got her degree in Tourism Management and her master in Arts in Intellectual Communications. She arrived to Beijing in 2001 to study Mandarin, and after that decided to move to Hong Kong, where she met her husband. After they both visited Taiwan with their children they decided to live there. Besides Gabriele established her own company which helps to bring intelligence and latest technologies to create a sustainable well-being. As a founder of REJUVENATE Gabriele has a vision that Taiwanese society will benefit a lot from education, experience and practice on how to re-energize our bodies, keep mental freedom and rejuvenate our organization. REJUVENATE is the first company in Taiwan, established and 100% owned by a foreign female entrepreneur. The team is international and the communication is conducted in Mandarin Chinese, English, German, French. The Business Model and Company Structure are built on the values of collaboration and the intelligence of nature. 出生於澳洲,畢業於旅遊管理的Gabriele,在2001年前往北京學習中文,於香港結婚,婚後來台灣旅遊時決定搬來定居,並創立一間以最新科技使人體永續回春的公司 REJUVENATE,Gabriele希望能藉由使用純天然、尖端方法與源於自然的產品活化細胞,讓消費者自我回春,開啟新生活。 Ocean Liu is the founder of Adenovo Tech, a company that dedicates its focus on the idea of Connected Car and IoT. By integrating software, hardware, cloud computing and big data analysis, Adenovo aims to provide intelligent automotive solutions. Ocean was born in Taiwan where auto parts manufactures have established a strong presence. After graduating from university in the U.S. and Russia, he decided to start his own business in Russia rather than North America or his home country Taiwan. He established Adenovo Inc. in Moscow, and within just 4 years the company grew to become the largest distributor of car accessories in Russia and Easter Europe. Ocean went back to Taiwan in 2014 hoping to utilize his experience and combine local resources to advance the automobile technology into a new era. 諦諾科技創辦人劉晉良出生於台灣,在美學成歸國後旋即遠赴莫斯科經商及求學,僅花了四年的努力,現已成為俄羅斯及東歐地區汽車電子產品通路商的龍頭。 但劉晉良仍心繫台灣的產業轉型及發展,因此他在2014年返台創立諦諾科技, 想藉由軟硬整合及雲端大數據分析之核心能力,開發車聯網智慧車載系統及 物聯網週邊,為行車安全及駕駛樂趣提供貼心精準的主動式服務。 * Please bring your Student ID card if you buy a Student ticket! * Please, note, that it is not allowed to take photos or record videos during the event! You can download photos or videos from Start-Up Grind FB page or web-site later after the event.

Check out what happened


  • Gabriele Seewald & Ocean Liu



Networking and Food
Fireside Chat


  • Angela Feng


Global sponsor

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Google Cloud

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