Startup Grind Silicon Valley hosts Marily Nika (Meta AI Product Lead: Avatars)

Jun 22, 2023, 1:00 – 3:30 AM (UTC)

Silicon Valley, San Francisco Bay Area

Marily works for Meta as an AI Product Lead, working on Avatars within the Metaverse/Reality Labs org. Previously, she worked for Google for 8 years on the AR Glass and Google Assistant teams, focusing on bringing 0 to 1 products to life.

Fireside ChatSGWomen

About this event

Based in San Francisco, Marily works for Meta as an AI Product Lead, working on Avatars within the Reality Labs org.

Previously, she worked for Google for 8 years on the AR Glass and Google Assistant teams, focusing on bringing 0 to 1 products to life.

Marily holds a Ph.D. in Machine Learning from Imperial College London, and is an Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School where she teaches AI Product Management. She runs a popular AI Product Management course on Maven.

Outside her day role, Marily mentors entrepreneurs, serves as an advisor to early-stage startups, and also empowers the women in tech & Product community in multiple ways — she is part of the ACM-w Leadership team and delivered 3 x TEDx talks to date. Marily taught Maven's most popular course about Building AI-Products. She also writes about AI Product Management (including featured jobs) here: 

Check out what happened


  • Marily Nika


    AI Product Lead: Avatars



Thursday, June 22, 2023
1:00 AM – 3:30 AM (UTC)




  • James Gee

    Startup Grind

    Global Partnerships Manager

  • Derek Andersen

    Startup Grind

    Chapter Organizer