Impact Investors on Alternative Protein Foods Startups (DaoFoods)

Jan 14, 2021, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)


New ventures of alternative protein foods in China are in full gear, on Jan 14, 2021, Startup Grind Shenzhen+Guangzhou is interviewing Dao Foods about their investment in 30 alternative protein startups rooted in or oriented to the Chinese mainland in the next three years. Sign up for an online interview and listen to what professional investors have to say.

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You may or may not know:

Alternative protein production is clearly more benign and environmentally friendly than the farmed- slaughtered - meat route: 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; 99%reduction in water consumption; 93% reduction in land use and 46% reduction in energy demand.


而中国,拥有全球20%的人口, 同时仅有7%的耕地,可替代蛋白食品对于中国的可持续发展而言更为重要。2020年的疫情无疑给全世界带来了前所未有的改变——可替代蛋白正在成为人类生活方式优化的有力辅助。这也印证了道夫子共同创始人张涛在最初创办道夫子时的想法:“这应该是中国的答案,世界的答案也会来自中国。”

Indeed! Three meals a day has such a huge impact on global sustainable development.

China has 20% of the world's population and only 7% of the arable land, obviously alternative protein foods are even more important for sustainable development in China. The pandemic brings an unprecedented change for the world in 2020, and the emerging plant-based diet and the alternative proteins have been a powerful auxiliary tool to change and optimize people’s lifestyle under the trend. This was also our thinking when we founded Dao Foods, “It should be the answer for China, and the answer for the world should also come from China.---Zhang Tao, co-founder of Dao Foods.

张涛曾任 New Ventures的全球COO,在环保的影响力投资领域工作了十余年。是影响力投资(Impact Investing)在中国的首批开拓者之一。2018年联合新作物资本、道资本(DaoVentures)和Moonspire Social Ventures三大分别来自美国、中国、加拿大的投资机构成立道夫子食品国际公司(Dao Foods International)。

* New Ventures为总部在华盛顿的世界资源研究所创立,在多个国家都设有环保中小企业加速器。

Tao Zhang, former global COO of New Ventures, has worked in the environmental impact investment field for more than a decade. It was one of the first pioneers of impact investing in China. Dao Foods International was founded in 2018 by NewCrop Capital, Dao Capital, and Moonspire Social Ventures, three investment institutions from the US, China, and Canada respectively.

* New Ventures, founded by the Washington-based World Resources Institute, has green SMB accelerators in many countries.

纵观国外,“人造肉”第一股Beyond Meat上市首日股价暴涨163%,目前市值接近50亿美元; Impossible Foods在5月初获得3亿美元投资,投资者包括李嘉诚旗下的维港投资和新加坡政府投资基金淡马锡,投后估值超过20亿美元。

Beyond Meat went to IPO and jumped163% on its first day of trading, giving it a market value of nearly $5billion. Impossible Foods received a $300m investment in early May from investors including Horizons by Li Jia Cheng and Temasek by Singapore's state investment fund, with a post-investment valuation of more than $2billion.

国内新创企业如火如荼:2020年中国植物肉品牌星期零刷新了国内替代蛋白行业的融资记录:3月获得经纬中国、愉悦资本、道夫子食品国际公司以及道夫子的创始机构之一New Crop Capital的千万人民币天使轮融资;8月再次获得千万级美元A轮融资。

New ventures in China are also in full gear: In 2020, a Chinese plant-based meat brand broke the investment record of the domestic alternative protein industry: in March, they obtained angel round financing of 10 million RMB from Jing Wei China, Yu Yue Capital, Dao Food International Corporation and New Crop Capital which is one of the founding organizations of Dao Foods. In August, it obtained A round of financing of ten million dollars again.


Familiar brands such as Yi li, Nestle, and Tyson are also busy laying out their track layouts in the alternative protein industry -- the industry wave has arrived.



How should start-ups ride the waves?

Dao Foods announced in September 2020 the establishment of Dao Foods Venture Fund, which plans to support and invest in about 30 alternative protein startups rooted in or oriented to the Chinese mainland in the next three years. Sign up for an online interview and listen to what professional investors have to say.


【Dao Foods believes in the innovation for change, trusts that the younger generation would care more about the world, and is confident in entrepreneurs aiming to change the rule of the game.】


7PM-8:30PM Jan 14, 2021 @Tencent Meeting, Event in Mandarin, Free Admission

Check out what happened


  • Tao Zhang

    Dao Foods International




Thursday, January 14, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)


11:00 AMIntro by Startup Grind
11:10 AMFireside Chat
12:00 PMIntro of Dao Foods Incubator Cohort 2 Recruitment Program


  • Grace Zhang

    Startup Grind Shenzhen



  • Geng (Grace) Zhang

    Shenzhen Energy

    Brand Manager

  • Yan Wang


    Chapter Co-director

  • Miro Li

    Double V Consulting


  • Leo Liu


    Capital Manager

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