Jul 27, 2023, 3:30 – 6:30 PM (UTC)
Artcor, 137 Strada 31 August 1989, Chişinău, 2004
Come and meet Eric at the July edition of Startup Grind Chisinau! Eric Melchor is the first American to interview EU entrepreneurs via podcast. He has interviewed over 100 startups and in just two years has built an audience of tech enthusiasts, founders and like-minded entrepreneurs. He consults brands and founders on social selling, networking and personal brand building.
SG with Eric Melchor: How to grow your audience & strengthen your brand
(EN) 🥁 What do a microphone, entrepreneurs, pizza and the Startup Grind Chisinau community have in common? They all lay the foundation for a recipe for success: a microphone to make your voice heard, entrepreneurs to nurture your ideas, pizza to keep your brain energized and the Startup Grind Chisinau community to give you the support and inspiration you need!
📣 We are happy to invite you to a new edition of SG Chisinau event where we will discuss about growth, audiences and a healthy way to build a brand
Eric Melchor is the first American to interview EU entrepreneurs via podcast. He has interviewed over 100 startups and in just two years has built an audience of tech enthusiasts, founders and like-minded entrepreneurs. He consults brands and founders on social selling, networking and personal brand building.
Come and meet Eric at the July edition of Startup Grind Chisinau! In the meantime, we have prepared a list of questions: Why does he live in Romania? Why does he interview entrepreneurs in the region? What is the maximum number of interviews he wants to record his year?
The list goes on...
So mark the day: Thursday 27 July, 18:30-21:30.
Event agenda:
18:30 - 19:30 Networking
19:30 - 20:30 Fireside Chat with Eric Melchor.
20:30 - 21:30 Freestyle Networking, wine and pizza
📅 Location Artcor (Strada 31 August 1989, 137).
This event is free of charge, with a limited number of participants.
Access is provided on a first come, first served basis.
A key aspect of the event is communicating with people like you, which is why at Startup Grind we focus on creating a comfortable environment for interaction. We look forward to seeing you join us in the community of innovation and technology enthusiasts.
Startup Grind Chisinau is the local pillar of the global Startup Grind community, which launched in Moldova in 2016, organized by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Accelerator Dreamups so far.
Internationally, Startup Grind is recognized as one of the largest startup communities in the world, actively educating, inspiring and connecting 215,000 founders in over 200 cities through events, media and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs.
Startup Grind is organized by Dreamups, funded by the US Embassy in Moldova, and supported by the Future Technology Activities project, financed by USAID, Sweden, and UKaid.
(RO) 🥁 Ce au în comun un microfon, antreprenori, pizza si comunitatea Startup Grind Chisinau? Toate pun bazele unei retete de succes: un microfon pentru a-ti face vocea auzita, antreprenorii pentru a-ti hrani ideile, pizza pentru a-ti mentine energizat creierul si comunitatea Startup Grind Chisinau pentru a-ti oferi sprijinul si inspiratia de care ai nevoie!
📣 Te invitam la o noua editie SG Chisinau unde vom discuta despre audienta si consolidarea brandului.
Eric Melchor este primul american care a realizat interviuri cu antreprenori din UE prin intermediul unui podcast. A intervievat peste 100 de startup-uri si, in doar doi ani, a creat o audienta formata din pasionati de tehnologie, fondatori si oameni cu mentalitati antreprenoriale asemanatoare. El consulta branduri si fondatori pe teme legate de social selling, networking si construirea brandului personal.
Hai sa-l cunosti pe Eric la editia a lunii iulie de Startup Grind Chisinau! Noi, intre timp am pregatit o lista de intrebari: De ce traieste in Romania? De ce intervieveaza antreprenorii din regiune? Care este numarul maxim de interviuri pe care doreste sa-l atinga in acest an?
Lista poate continua...
Asadar, marcheaza in calendar: Joi, 27 iulie, ora 18:30-21:30.
Agenda evenimentului:
18:30 - 19:30 Networking
19:30 - 20:30 Discutie in stil Fireside Chat cu Eric Melchor.
20:30 - 21:30 Freestyle Networking, vin si pizza
Locatia Artcor (Strada 31 August 1989, 137)
Acest eveniment va fi unul gratuit, iar locurile sunt limitate.
Accesul este asigurat in baza principiului „primul venit - primul servit”.
Un aspect principal al evenimentului este comunicarea cu persoane asemanea tie, motiv pentru care, la Startup Grind, ne concentram pe crearea unui mediu comod pentru interactiune. Suntem nerabdatori sa te vedem alaturi, in comunitatea de entuziasti ai inovatiei si tehnologie.
Startup Grind Chisinau este pilonul local al comunitatii globale Startup Grind, care s-a lansat in Moldova in 2016, organizat de Acceleratorul de Inovatii si Antreprenoriat Dreamups pana in prezent.
La nivel international, Startup Grind este recunoscuta ca fiind una dintre cele mai mari comunitati de startup-uri din lume, care educa activ, inspira si conecteaza 215.000 de fondatori din peste 200 de orase prin intermediul evenimentelor, media si parteneriatelor cu organizatii precum Google for Entrepreneurs.
Pana in prezent, Startup Grind a ajutat milioane de antreprenori sa-si gaseasca mentorii potriviti, sa se conecteze la diferiti parteneri, sa angajeze, sa obtina finantari si sa ajunga la noi utilizatori.
Startup Grind este organizat de Dreamups, finantata de Ambasada SUA in Moldova, sustinuta de Proiectul Tehnologiile Viitorului, finantat de USAID, Suedia si Marea Britanie.
Liftoff SRL
Marketing Professional for Startups
Thursday, July 27, 2023
3:30 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)
Project Manager
Marketing Manager
Program Manager
Graphic Designer
CEO Moonshot/Project Manager
CEO Mozaic / Project Manager
Marketing Specialist
This is Startup Grind. We are the world’s largest startup community.
Our Mission
To give startups everywhere the education and opportunities they need to build, grow, and scale their companies.
Our Values
We believe in making friends, not contacts. We believe in giving first, not taking. We believe in helping others before helping yourself.
Tools & Discounts for Startups
Take advantage of resources and offers provided by organizations we know and love, designed to help you navigate the startup journey.
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Our annual flagship event in Silicon Valley brings together thousands of startup teams, investors and organizations from all over the world.
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