We are excited to share with the global Startup Grind community that ShareSDK, a Guangzhou-based mobile application user behavior analytics startup, has secured series A round financing worth tens of millions of RMB (multi-million USD). Share SDK Co-founder, Mr. Peng Jie and CEO Mr. Chen Gangqiang attended our March 2013 event. Here they first met Mr. Li Feng, investment manager from Shenzhen Capital Group Co.
Both the entrepreneurs and investor of this transaction are Startup Grinders in Guangzhou and have been very supportive of the event. Mr. Peng Jie, both an angel investor and a serial entrepreneur himself, was the featured guest at our March Event. During the fireside chat, he shared his career story in the Chinese Internet industry since the late 1990s.
ShareSDK founder and CEO, Mr. Chen Gangqiang, says about Startup Grind Guangzhou:
We were both thrilled to have attended and learned that Guangzhou has such a quality tech community meetup such as Startup Grind Guangzhou. Keep up with the good job, folks.
Investor, Mr. Li Feng, says:
I've been to many Chinese tech meetups, and yet Startup Grind Guangzhou is on top of my list in terms of organization and opportunities. You guys hit on the sweetest spot of the tech community: international speakers and audience, down-to-earth spirit of the Guangdong entrepreneurs, and, on top of all that, the strong industrial foundation of Guangzhou and Guangdong.
移动应用创业公司ShareSDK通过Startup Grind广州社区找到投资人
我们十分振奋地告知Startup Grind全球社区,总部位于中国广州的移动应用创业公司ShareSDK(掌淘科技)通过本社区活动找到了A轮融资投资人,成功获得千万级人民币融资。ShareSDK专注为移动应用开发者提供用户使用行为统计工具。公司联合创始人彭杰和CEO陈钢强都参加了我们2013年3月15日的Startup Grind Guangzhou(创业磨坊广州社区)活动。他们也正是在本次活动认识了投资方深创投代表李峰先生。
投资方代表和被投资方都是Startup Grind广州社区的积极分子,一直十分支持本活动。彭杰先生本人同时是天使投资人和连续创业家,他是我们2013年3月聚会活动的“火炉边访谈”特邀嘉宾。访谈中,彭杰先生分享了他本人在中国互联网过去十几年的创业经历和故事。
陈钢强,ShareSDK CEO对本活动的评价:
广州本地也能有像创业磨坊广州社区(Startup Grind Guangzhou)这样的高品质技术创业社区,这的确是个惊喜。兄弟们,继续努力!
李峰,深创投 投资经理对本活动的评价:
我去过很多中国内地的技术聚会,创业磨坊广州(Startup Grind Guangzhou)无论在组织还是投资机会方面都是我最看重的技术社区之一。你们找到了一个全球科技创业社区都会羡慕的结合点:国际化的嘉宾和听众、务实的广东科技企业家群体,更有意思的是你们依托产业实力雄厚的广州和广东提供服务。