This month at Startup Grind Guangzhou (创业磨坊-广州站) we have to pleasure to get together with Fabrizo Zanardo, Vice president, Global Information Services, Asian Pacific at Estee Lauder in Hong Kong.
本期创业磨坊-广州站,我们很高兴邀请到负责香港Estee Lauder(雅思兰黛)全球信息服务的亚太区副总裁Fabrizo Zanardo先生作为本期活动的访谈嘉宾,和我们一起聊天分享。
Estee Lauder is an iconic American public company founded in 1946 in New York city with revenues over USD10 billion in 2013. Using a wide range of famous brands such as a Clinique, Clarin, Revlon, and Mac, they manufacture and market skincare, makeup, fragrance and hair care products worldwide.
雅思兰黛(Estee Lauder)是一家美国的上市公司,1946年在纽约成立,2013年总收入超过10亿美元。旗下品牌包括Clinique, Clarin, Revlon 和Mac,在全球范围内生产并销售的产品涵盖护肤品、化妆品、香水以及头发护理产品。
Fabrizio leads the IT organisation for the Asia region and in this roll he is responsible for delivering technical solutions to support day-to-day business operations in an increasingly connected consumer environment. During this Startup Grind event we are looking forward to learning more about the IT trends and developments from within a multinational company. We'll also look at in-store IT solutions, or how the future of consumer retailing will be affected by further implementation of technological solutions. We can discuss the use of online channels and discuss what's involved in expanding and the challenges in the Chinese market. For those of you that are working on new business ideas, we will also touch the topic of how small startups can be benificial to global companies and what problems are out there to be cracked by your team.
Join us November 24 from 1pm at The Strand Beer Café for a get together with Fabrizio Zanardo. We start with the traditional pizza and sandwich lunch complemented by free drinks including hand crafted Strand Beer. Tickets are available online for RMB60 and at the door for RMB75. RSVP early for this event, limited seats available!
11月24日下午1点在The Strand Beer Café,快来加入我们和Fabrizio Zanardo的聚会吧!届时我们会为大家提供披萨、三明治和免费的饮料(包括手工酿制的Strand Beer),一起享用午餐。
[caption id="attachment_63208" align="aligncenter" width="940" style="margin-bottom: 1em"] The many faces of Chinese entrepreneurs in Guangzhou - Taking a lunch break while the sign shows the type of 2nd hand products he is interested in buying. Isn't this a great example of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP)? One sign and one chair and you are in the market. MVPs can be that simple![/caption]