You can’t be a one man, (or woman), show when it comes to growing your business online. Of course it’s crucial that your virtual checkout cart is flawless, that your product descriptions are rich with SEO, and that you work diligently to make sure your site is mobile ready. However, many eCommerce businesses still need additional distribution outlets in order to thrive. Approaching these distributors can be challenging and infuriating, especially in the startup stage.
Sometimes old school tactics work, like attending an event where there’s a distributor you’re eyeing. Other times you might set your sights on a foreign small business that has a connection with “your” niche. No matter who the distributor is, there are a few rules for approaching them which can maximize your chances of a “match”. Here’s how to do it:
1. Show Them What You Can Offer
A distributor only cares about one thing: How much money can you make for them. They’re not there to help you, guide you, or care about your passion project. When approaching them, make sure you have figures, that you know your audience, and you can prove that you’ve done your research on them. Just like in dating, the numbers game only works if you have the manpower and stamina to pull it off. It’s usually better to narrow down your best matches and get them more attention.
2. Approach Them How They Prefer
Sometimes a distributor will offer a clear guide on how to approach them. It might include a customized budget, a digital form, or jumping through a bunch of hoops. If they offer this information about what they would like you to do, follow it exactly. This is how they’re weeding out the people who can’t/won’t follow directions. After all, if you can’t even follow a simple guide, what kind of vendor are you going to be?
3. Make Sure It’s A Natural Match
Especially if you have niche products or goods, it’s easy to be creative when you see a, “match.” However, from a distributor’s perspective, you’re simply an outsider trying to fit in. Niche marketing has its own set of rules as outlined by Entrepreneur, and niche distributors also have their own arena. Don’t force a brand where it doesn’t fit.
4. Expect Plenty Of No’s
In the early days, getting distributors is like trying to pitch your manuscript around. You’ll get a lot of, "no’s," maybe even more crickets, but you need to stay persistent. Just like you, distributors are only doing what they think is best for their business. If you get a no, but with constructive criticism, take it to heart. Learn from and incorporate their ideas. You’re getting free advice from an expert, and that is rarely free and doesn’t come readily.
5. Follow Up As Needed
If a distributor gives a timeline of when to expect a reply and the timeframe passes without comment, follow up. Sometimes pitches really do get forgotten, lost, or otherwise sent astray. For yourself, put together a spreadsheet of distribution pitches, responses, and notes. This will save you the embarrassment of mistakenly approaching someone twice.
6. Attend Related Events
From tradeshows to industry conferences, if you know distributors are gathering at a certain place, go there. It’s much easier to pitch in person, and putting a face to a brand makes your product more, “real.” There are events happening year-round, and this is a great way to offer up your swag/samples while knowing it’s getting into the right hands.
Distributors can make or break your business, so approach them in the right manner. Remember that they get hounded all day. How can you help them in their business? Think that strategy and you will stand out in the right way.