Startup Grind San Diego was very fortunate to spend a pleasant December evening with Rory Moore, CEO of the leading non-profit high-tech trade organization, CommNexus. We learned of successes and failures in the semiconductor industry, the invention of bluetooth technology, and what it’s like selling your company to Qualcomm. For many, the highlight of the evening was the presentation of the following 2 opportunities, which we want to share with all you Grinders out there—2 REASONS YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER MOVING YOUR STARTUP TO SAN DIEGO:
- The EvoNexus Incubator is accepting applications until midnight on January 23rd, 2013. EvoNexus is the business incubator of CommNexus, “the nation’s only no-strings-attached incubator.” To date, incubating companies in EvoNexus have raised $95 million in total venture funding, created over 400 new jobs, with 7 successful graduations and 9 early stage graduations. There are currently 20 companies incubating at their two locations, one in the UTC area and the other downtown. According to their website, “EvoNexus is San Diego’s only community-supported, fully pro-bono technology incubator,” providing furnished office space, domain experts and mentors, and the opportunity to leverage a wide network of business and venture capitalist contacts for startup companies striving to become sustainable. “We provide all of this free of charge,” said Moore. “EvoNexus companies are under no financial or IP-related obligation when they graduate.”
- MarketLink is providing an opportunity to partner with IMAX and the application deadline is January 16th, 2013. The goal of the MarketLink program is to help companies initiate and develop strategic relationships with leading multi-national corporations for free. On February 6-7, selected companies will get a 55-minute meeting with top-level executives at IMAX to present cutting edge products and technologies, namely Brian Bonnick, chief technology officer, and Nader Elm, senior vice president of strategy and corporate development. So, now you’re asking yourself “Can my company apply?” The answer is yes. IMAX is looking for new technology that is NOT in the traditional IMAX theater space. They will be looking for technology that can be used in consumer products and in the military, automotive, institutional, and entertainment fields. Focus areas include but are not limited to: projection technology, screen technology, audio technology, image processing technology, stereoscopic technology, image sensor and digital camera technology, content distribution, and anti-piracy technology.
If you and your company land one of these opportunities and end up moving down, be sure to let us know!