Are you the proud owner of an ecommerce website? Are you seeking ways to boost traffic, grow sales, and move to the top of your niche?
With ecommerce growing 23% year over year, this is a great place to be if you’re looking to scale a business.
Here’s the problem: with so much competition, regardless of industry, it can be difficult to experience the growth you’ve come to expect.
If you’re ready to break down the wall, here are 10 growth hacks for your ecommerce website:
1. Change Up Your Design
It may not be something you think about often, but the design of your store can be the difference between success and failure.
Once you pick the perfect theme or hire a designer to start from scratch, you’ll feel better about the potential for future growth.
2. Use Word of Mouth Marketing within Your Store
Did you know that more than 80% of Americans seek recommendations before making a purchase?
You can use this to your advantage by making it easy for customers to share reviews. User generated content, regardless of the form, can push others into making a purchase. The key here is to provide high quality products, as this will give customers a reason to say something positive.
3. Harness the Power of the Search Engines
If you believe the myth that SEO is dead, you’re missing out on a big opportunity.
You need to harness the power of the search engines – especially Google – as this gives you the opportunity to drive free, targeted traffic in large numbers.
4. Share Your Knowledge
Are you an expert in your space? If so, share your knowledge with the rest of the world via guest posting.
Maybe you sell exercise equipment via your online store. Guest post on health related blogs as a means of building your authority, boosting your brand, and generating backlinks.
Although it’s a good idea to focus your efforts on growing your own blog, don’t overlook the power of guest blogging.
5. Get Social
With 70% of Americans using social media, you’ll want to become as active as possible on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn (among others).
This is a great way to share information about your brand, connect with current customers, and attract new buyers.
6. Go Offline
Most people think that growth hacking is all about using technology. This isn’t always the case.
Give some thought to sending out a handwritten thank you card to every person who buys from your store. Yes, it will cost you time and money, but it’s a great way to provide a top of the line customer experience.
If handwritten notes aren’t your thing, there are other ways to personally connect with your customer base, all without having to do any work on your own.
7. A/B Test
It may be something you’ve thought about in the past, but for one reason or the next you continue to put this on the backburner.
A simple A/B test can go a long way in accelerating growth. Don’t ignore this growth hack any longer.
8. Fix Your Shopping Cart Abandonment Problem
With the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate sitting at approximately 70%, fixing this one problem could be the only thing you need to grow your ecommerce website revenue.
Enough said.
9. Email Marketing
There are many ways to approach this, all of which could have a positive impact on your online store.
For example, experiment with sending a follow up email two to three weeks after a person places an order. Ask them about their first purchase, invite them to make another, and maybe even include a coupon code.
Email marketing opens up a world of opportunity.
10. Offer a Discount (and Make it Known)
Some offers are too good to refuse. If you have one of these to throw around, don’t hide it at the bottom of your ecommerce website.
For instance, maybe you’re offering 15% off of every order and free shipping. This could be just what you need to push more people to make a purchase.
The key here is to offer something of value, and to make it known to everyone who visits your website. Make it big and make it bold!
What do you think about these 10 growth hacks? Could one or more of these help your ecommerce website reach new heights?